The author

Soy Gabriela Miranda Oliveros, graduated from a degree in Communication Sciences from the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Mexico.

Since 2012 I have dedicated to documenting visual and audiovisual media in various subjects in the cultural field, Always interested in artistic expression, scenes and movements that are developing inside and outside our borders, and at the same time, to exchange and enrichment among nations when dialogues are generated through this diversity.

My journey began in Russia, but two Polish voice: journalist Jacek Hugo-Bader, who in his book White Fever narrated through various chronicles the journey made by Russia from end to end, from Moscow to Vladivostok on board Lasik (a former military vehicle); and along this immense journey, I had access to the vastness of stories and characters thanks to the voice of anthropologist Anna Styczyńska, who translated this work from Polish to Spanish.

The desire to follow in the footsteps of Bader through the universe, and subsequently, the approach to travel other great writers such as Ryszard Kapuscinski through the USSR in his book The Empire, It took me to be realistic and plantearme a first approach: What about Russia in Mexico?

The response was overwhelming.

This project is dedicated to people of Russian nationality (by birth or by direct inheritance), They are residing in Mexico City, and whose professional activity, backed by academic preparation, It is specializing in an artistic discipline, and that, also, professional work that serves as the axis of initiatives, individual or joint, for the purpose of sharing and disseminating the cultural heritage of Russia in a foreign city.

All photographic and audiovisual material is my authorship, and drift monitoring for three years for cultural activities of the Russian community in Mexico.

Follow me on Instagram: @gabllz